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Do You Dream of Singing Your Way Through College?

Let's Make That Dream A Reality

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Michael Chipman is a singer, author and teacher based in Los Angeles, California. Prior to his current appointment as a member of the voice faculty at the Colburn Community School of Performing Arts in Los Angeles, he was an assistant professor and head of the voice program at Westminster College in Salt Lake City, Utah. He holds an Artist Diploma in Vocal Performance from Oberlin Conservatory, a Master of Music in Vocal Performance from the University of Utah, and a Bachelor of Arts with Honors in English Literature from Utah State University. He is the co-author with W. Stephen Smith of The Naked Voice: A Wholistic Approach to Singing published by Oxford University Press in 2007. His students have recently won scholarships to the following conservatories and schools of music:

Student Success Stories

Meet some of my former students


Erick Mosteller

Scholarship, B.M. Vocal Performance

USC Thornton School of Music

"Michael is an expert voice teacher and was masterful at preparing me for my college auditions. I was able to go from never having had a voice lesson in my life to receiving generous scholarship offers from top schools across the country, including Indiana University, Manhattan School of Music, UCLA and USC with only months of training with Michael. His method is proven and works remarkably welll." 

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Christy Peterson

Scholarship, M.M. Vocal Performance

UC Santa Barbara School of Music

"Michael was my first voice teacher, and he really helped create a solid foundation for my vocal technique. We worked together for four years in preparation for a graduate program, at which point I was accepted to UCSB with a full ride scholarship for my Master of Music Degree in Vocal Performance. Thanks to Michael I have a strong understanding of my instrument, which allows me to sing any genre and style in my professional career as a crossover vocalist."

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Emmanuel Yoque

Scholarship, B.M. Vocal Performance

USC Thornton School of Music

"I currently study opera and classical voice at USC with a full tuition scholarship. This would have not been possible without the help of Michael Chipman. He taught me the importance of first impressions, learning my music to the point that it is second nature, and
how to choose a school depending on finances, teachers, reputation, location, and performance opportunities. His training helped my colleagues and me to land spots in the most competitive music schools in the country, along with scholarships." 


Albert Gonzalez

Scholarship, B.M. Vocal Performance

USC Thornton School of Music

"Mr. Chipman helped me with vocal technique, and we set up a plan to be prepared for my college auditions. He assigned me songs and I went into the college auditions prepared and confident because of all the work we did together. Without Mr. Chipman, this process would have been so much more stressful, and I appreciate him for helping me every step of the way."


Daniel Weinstein

B.M. Vocal Performance

UC Santa Barbara School of Music

"Mr. Chipman is a fantastic teacher, and I owe my college acceptances to his audition preparation class. He has a supportive instructional style and you can tell how enthusiastic he is about helping his students succeed!"


Corinne Rydman

Scholarship, M.M. Vocal Performance

San Francisco Conservatory

"Michael is a caring teacher of free-flowing technique minus the 'mystique' and 'magic' you might find with other teachers. You learn not only how to use your instrument but also how your instrument truly works. No more contradictory suggestions, confusing metaphors, or silly dances you can't perform during an audition. Taking voice lessons from Michael remains one of my top ten best decisions. Grazie mille, Michael!"


Chris Stockslager

Scholarship, M.M. Vocal Performance

Manhattan School of Music

"Michael Chipman's teaching style focuses heavily on breath support, different areas of resonance, and overall healthy, efficient singing. He is not afraid to challenge his students, but always has their back, seeing them through to success."

Over the past several years, many singers have come to me for vocal instruction with big dreams of taking their singing to the next level through college music study, but they don't know where to start. And I get it—I've been there myself. I've had some big wins in my singing and teaching career, but I learned my lessons the hard (and expensive) way, through years of studying with great teachers  and decades of hard work, dedication, training, trial and error.

The good news is you don't have to learn it all the hard way! I wrote a book for you—a how-to manual for aspiring singers—called, Sing Your Way Through College: Ten Steps To Help Turn Your Talent Into A Scholarship. My goal in writing this book is to help you focus your effort, refine your talent, and hone your performance skills to make you competitive for scholarships and help you stand out from the crowd—all the things I wish I had known when applying to college.

In Sing Your Way Through College you'll learn the 10 steps I used in my own career and which I now use to help my students win life-changing scholarships to top conservatories and schools of music at colleges and universities here and abroad. I want to help make your college dreams come true. Here's an overview of the steps, outlined in detail in this book:


The College Application

Learn how to focus your thoughts and goals when choosing where to apply, and then understand how to successfully navigate the sometimes overwhelming college application process.


Learn Basic Vocal Technique

Learn how to find a good teacher and then master the basic qualities of balance, legato, airflow, vowel articulation, resonance and phonation. This is the most crucial part of your successful audition.


Learn Basic IPA and Diction Rules

When you sing classical songs and arias in a foreign language, you must learn to pronounce that language like a native speaker. I will give you the basic rules for singing in French, German, Italian and classical English.


Choose Appropriate Repertoire

The songs you choose for your college music audition can make or break your chances of success. I provide resources for where to find music and some guidelines for choosing the perfect songs for your voice type and age.


Focus On Musicianship

You have to be a good musician as well as a good singer. You will learn how to show the audition panel the beauty of your phrases, your perfect intonation, and your rhythmic precision. They will take note.


Don't Just Sing Your Song; Perform It

It's not enough to just learn your song correctly—singing is all about communication. You will learn how to sing from the heart, with meaning, focus, intention and emotion.


Show Up To Your Audition

I love the idea of "showing up." You'll learn what it means to be on time, relaxed, focused, prepared, calm, and fully present so that you can bring your best self to the audition.


Nail The Interview

The post-audition interview is a chance for the faculty at your school to get to know you, your goals, personality and character. And it's a chance for you to learn more about the school. Learn how to take full advantage of this opportunity.


Select Your School

Once you have been accepted to one or more of your chosen schools, weigh everything in the balance to make the best choice. This is the fun part!


Remember Why You Sing

Finally, you will learn that singing is your superpower—you can literally change the world by owning your power and making your voice heard. There is no other voice like yours in the world, and that is enough reason to pursue singing at the highest level.

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